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Corned Beef Hash with Fried Eggs.
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Corned Beef Hash with Fried Eggs.
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I had lots of leftover Glazed Corned Beef & Cabbage so I decided instead of making my soup recipe, I would try something I've always wanted to try...corned beef hash! I love 'home fries' or 'hashbrowns' that I sometimes order at my local diner for breakfast! And I've seen lots of recipes floating around the Internet for corned beef hash. So it just seemed like the perfect time to try it myself! I wasn't sure I could get the potatoes to brown-up as nicely as I like them to be...but it was quite easy, as you can see in my photo above! I thought since the potatoes were boiled and very soft that they would just turn to mush! It was a nice surprise to see how easily they browned and stayed firm!